Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Part Six

Wednesday Feb.,15th

 Exactly 2 weeks later from the surgery, the almighty day of the visit to see my doctor was now here. Merely to see how the healing is coming along. To remove the stitches, to finally get out of the splint and into some sorta walking boot. Wooo-goddam-hooo!!! I was very excited. But then, my excitement was cut short when i found out that i wasn't getting a walking boot, but a fiberglass cast put on instead. Dammit! That sucked! The doctor explained that it was better to be safe than sorry. She stated that too many re-ruptures occur from going to the boot too soon. So why take the risk? I have to say, it made sense to me.
 When they removed the splint, I finally got to see my foot again. It's been so long. My dear foot. Great to see you again. Then I looked at my stitches, and I have to say "WHAT THE HELL, MAN???" All this advanced technology and we're still using strings to tie skin together??? It looked like a method practiced in the 18th century. It looked kinda....barbaric. I mean, why not just go to Staples and pick up some damn push-pins and duct tape? "Gawd!" But to my surprise, their reaction was "Ok, looks like things are coming along fine." I'm thinking 'yeah, I guess, if you wanna look like you have a small brown earthworm sitting above the heel'. Sheesh!

 Anywho's......after being told that my healing was coming along perfectly, they proceed to the next wrapping of my once often seen foot. The fiberglass cast. This particular method of fiberglass casting is done by using a sort of mesh tape gauze to wrap around my foot half way up my leg. First a very soft cotton like wrap was applied, then a thin sock material was put over that. Then i had the "luxury" to choose a color of the fiberglass wrap. Wow...Oh boy...lucky me. A nice addition to add to the disabled. A colored beacon wrapped around my leg to add to the.......oh....wait....wait a minute...."Hey, do you guys have dark blue?" They did. "Woohoo!!! Actually I was very happy. At least I can sport the same color as my favorite football team: The NY Giants. Ha ha.....yeah....Big Blue!!! Now all I have to do is get my friend to paint the Giants logo on my cast. Colored fiberglass casts....WHAT A FANTASTIC IDEA!!!! HA!!
Thank you Martha. It looks great.
 So, they wrapped my leg. Made it look nice. The wrap became hardened in just several minutes. Pretty cool. Since it was a new and different cast I ask "So, do i still have to worry about getting it wet?" They said "Yes...do not get it wet. It must remain dry at all times." I say "Ok...no problem. I'll keep doing what I've been doing." In about 30 minutes or so I'm finished with everything and walk to lobby. As i stand at the door, i look outside and begin to laugh. It's pouring raining.
This is not me (hahaha)

1 comment:

katie said...

I love the cast!! Great job Martha Lou!! Feel better Keemer!!